VERSION: 4.4.3 (date 30-06-2022)
  • Removed the registration form. Now one need not to register. Just install it and enjoy using it.
  • Updated minor fix for windows.
  • UI fixes and lots of CSS improvements.
  • Updated footer links and added SelectorsHub Pro version link.

    Upgrade to SelectorsHub Pro for more advanced features.
    Join the upcoming Technical BootCamp to learn all about SelectorsHub, TestCase Studio and TestCaseHub.
    Take this course to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

VERSION: 4.3.8 (date 21-04-2022) [New Feature: Verify 🎭 Playwright Selectors in SelectorsHub.]
  • New Feature: Verify 🎭 Playwright Selectors in SelectorsHub.

    Now for playwright user –

    No need to run code to verify playwright selectors.
    No need to open new playwright window to verify playwright selectors.
    No need to switch between console and elements tab to see dom.
    No need to type playwright.$$ again and again.
    No need to remember new command like playwright.$, just directly write selector and verify as other selectors and xpath.
    Proper error message for wrong playwright selectors.

    Special thanks to Naveen Khunteta (NaveenAutomationLabs) for encouraging me to add this feature.

  • Now SHub will split the string from apostrophe quote and generate xpath with only single quote or double quote. This will help to save time from using such xpath in script.
  • Fix for error message for double quotes.

    Join the upcoming Technical Boot Camp to learn all about SelectorsHub and TestCase Studio.

    Take the courses to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

VERSION: 4.3.7 (date 17-04-2022)
  1. Fix for xpath validation of xpath with double quotes.
  2. Fix for shadow dom error message while verifying xpath.
  3. Fix for svg xpath error msg.
    Note- These issues got introduced in last version 4.3.6

    Join the upcoming Technical Boot Camp to learn all about SelectorsHub and TestCase Studio.

    Take the courses to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

VERSION: 4.3.6 (date 11-04-2022)
  1. Added command for Python-Selenium and Playwright to auto generate xpath with the respective command.
  2. Undo and redo feature for the xpath input box.
  3. Redesigned the architecture to improve the performance of the extension at least by 30-40%.

    Join the upcoming Technical Boot Camp to learn all about SelectorsHub and TestCase Studio.

    Take the courses to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.
VERSION: 4.3.5 (date 13-03-2022)
  1. Fix for the functionality where user were not able to verify xpath after few minutes.

    Join the upcoming Technical Boot Camp to learn all about SelectorsHub and TestCase Studio.

    Take the courses to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

VERSION: 4.3.4 (date 09-03-2022)
  1. Updated the manifest from v2 to v3 to support the latest chrome. This will help to improve safety and performance.
  2. Minor improvements in UI and XPath.

    Join the upcoming Technical Boot Camp.

    Take the courses to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

VERSION: 4.3.3 (date 28-02-2022)
  1. Added new shadow dom method getShadowRoot() in place of JS code. Now it will give sort code.
  2. Major improvements in command feature.
  3. Command dropdown can be hidden now by clicking anywhere outside the box as well.
  4. Added better support for cypress command.

    Please consider a small donation and support SelectorsHub.

    Take the courses to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.
VERSION: 4.3.2 (date 17-02-2022)
  1. Added support for cypress xpath command. Now it will autogenerate cy.xpath(“xpathvalue”) when user select cy.get command.
  2. Added semicolon in the @FindBy command so it will reduce manual effort to add that and will save time.
  3. Added feature to give priority to generate Xpath with text.
  4. Improved the UI.

    Please consider a small donation and support SelectorsHub.

    Take the courses to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

VERSION: 4.3.0 (+4.3.1) (date 12-02-2022)

4.3.1 – Quick fix for command letter’s uppercase and lowercase.


  1. New Feature- Added few default xpath commands which help users to quickly generate code.
    Thanks to Mukesh Otwani for pushing me for this feature. 
  2. Now POM command can be generated in normal mode of SelectorsHub as well, earlier it was possible only in multi selector mode.
  3. Fix for scroll for the nodes in Firefox.
  4. Updated the tutorial link.
  5. Improved the UI.

    Please consider a small donation and support SelectorsHub.

    Take the courses to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

VERSION: 4.2.9 (date 05-02-2022)
  1. Added a feature so now it will not show Registration Window in incognito mode and automated window.
  2. Added a quick video tutorial link in the registration window so it will help new users to know how to use SelectorsHub. 
  3. Improve the UI.

    Please consider a small donation and support SelectorsHub.

    Take this course to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

VERSION: 4.2.8 (date 03-02-2022)
  1. Fix for the register button. Some of the users were not able to register so in this release this issue is fixed and now everyone will be able to register successfully. Please connect on slack channel if you face issue.
  2. Minor improvement in cssSelector logic.
  3. Improved the UI.

    Please consider a small donation and support SelectorsHub.

    Take this course to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

    Register here for the live training by SelectorsHub Creator, Sanjay Kumar.

VERSION: 4.2.7 (date 02-02-2022)
  1. Added the support link for all the users. Now if you face any issue, please immediately connect with me on SelectorsHub Slack channel to get the live support.
    Slack channel link-

    Please consider a small donation and support SelectorsHub.

    Take this course to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

    Register here for the live training by SelectorsHub Creator, Sanjay Kumar.

VERSION: 4.2.6 (date 01-02-2022)
  1. Fix for the major UI issue. An UI issue got introduced in 4.2.5 due to which some part of UI was breaking.

    Please consider a small donation and support SelectorsHub.

    Take this course to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

    Register here for the live training by SelectorsHub Creator, Sanjay Kumar.

VERSION: 4.2.5 (date 31-01-2022)
  1. Improved the XPath logic.
  2. Fix for email address.

    Take this course to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

    Register here for the live training by SelectorsHub Creator, Sanjay Kumar.

VERSION: 4.2.4 (date 30-01-2022)
  1. Reverted the changes of 4.2.3 as a user reported that SelectorsHub is not working.

    Consider a small donation and support SelectorsHub.
VERSION: 4.2.3 (date 30-01-2022)
  1. Fix for firefox.
  2. Fix for version number in popup html.
  3. Minor fixes in UI.

    Take this course to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

    Register here for the live training by SelectorsHub Creator, Sanjay Kumar.

VERSION: 4.2.2 (date 30-01-2022)
  1. Introduced the registration functionality. This will help to support the community better and develop more new features for you all. This is required only once, you will not have to login again and again.
  2. Fix for dark theme. In dark theme text color of the driver command was less visible.
  3. Minor improvements in xpath logic.

    Take this course to learn A to Z about XPath and complex automation scenarios like shadow dom etc.

    Register here for the live training by SelectorsHub Creator, Sanjay Kumar.

VERSION: 4.2.1 (date 24-01-2022)
  1. Fix for Shadow DOM. Updated the return type from WebElement to SearchContext.
  2. Minor fixes.

    Take this Udemy Course on XPath, cssSelector, Shadow DOM, automation etc with the deep concept.

    And if you want to join the live training by SelectorsHub Founder, find more details and registration link here-
VERSION: 4.2.0 (date 23-01-2022)
  1. Added the Copy abs XPath option contextMenu as one of the user requested for it.
  2. Removed the email popup.
  3. Improved the XPath logic.

    Take this Udemy Course on XPath, cssSelector, Shadow DOM, automation etc with the deep concept.

    And if you want to join the live training by SelectorsHub Founder, find more details and registration link here-

VERSION: 4.1.9 (date 14-01-2022)
  1. Introduced a new selector ‘testRigor Path’ for code less AI automation.
  2. Deprecated the abs XPath from the context menu options.
  3. Added the ‘copy testRogir Path’ option in context menu options.
  4. Now SelectorsHub will also give alert message for disabled input box.
  5. Performance improvement on copy selectors from context menu.
  6. Updated the selector name generation logic.
  7. Updated the footer.
  8. Synchronised the element info alert message as earlier it was showing some time and some time it was not showing.

    ** Launched the Advance Udemy Course on XPath, cssSelector, Shadow DOM, automation etc with the deep concept. This has all the topics and content covered which I teach in live training.

    Enrol for the course now and watch them as per your availability.

    And if you want to join the live training by SelectorsHub Founder, find more details and registration link here-
VERSION: 4.1.8 (date 05-01-2022)
  1. Minor fix for tilted quote error message.
  2. Fix for the version number.
  3. Added testRigor as supporter for SelectorsHub. Huge thanks to testRigor from whole SelectorsHub community for supporting us.
  4. Updated the context menu.
  5. Updated the popup content.

    ** Launched the Advance Udemy Course on XPath, cssSelector, Shadow DOM, automation etc with the deep concept. This has all the topics and content covered which I teach in live training.
    Enrol for the course now and watch them as per your availability.

    And if you want to join the live training by SelectorsHub Founder, find more details and registration link here-
VERSION: 4.1.7 (date 03-01-2022) (Checkout this tutorial to learn what's new in SelectorsHub)
  1. Now SelectorsHub will give proper error for wrong quotes like XPath doesn’t support tilted “ quote. Use vertical ” quote.
  2. Added copy button to copy all values when xpath written for the values like //a/text or //a/@href. Thanks to Gaurav Khurana for this feature suggestion.
  3. Auto suggest for attribute name and text() when xpath written to get values.
  4. For closed shadow dom, now area text box will not be shown as it is not required.
  5. Improved the message for closed shadow dom for better understanding.
  6. For closed shadow dom, now it show the tutorial link like how to automate closed shadow dom.
  7. Launched the Udemy Course on XPath, cssSelector, Shadow DOM, automation etc with the deep concepts. This has all the topics and content covered which I teach in live training.

    Enrol for the course now to be an automation expert and watch them as per your availability.

    And if you want to join the live training by SelectorsHub Founder, find more details and registration link here-

VERSION: 4.1.6 (date 30-12-2021) 
  1. Fix for ctrl+z for chrome.
  2. Updated the content in popup html for better readability.
  3. Launched the Udemy Course on XPath, cssSelector, Shadow DOM, automation etc with the deep concepts. This has all the topics and content covered which I teach in live training.

    Enrol for the course now to be an automation expert and watch them as per your availability.

    And if you want to join the live training by SelectorsHub Founder, find more details and registration link here-


VERSION: 4.1.5 (date 20-11-2021) 
  1. Now SelectorsHub will tell if XPath 2.0 function is used in xpath. 
    Note- Browser doesn’t support XPath2.0. All the browsers support only XPath 1.0 so we can use XPath 1.0 only in our web automation script. Currently in SelectorsHub we can verify only XPath 1.0 functions.
  2. Fixed the css for error info message. Now on expanding and shrinking SH tab, error info message will not break.
  3. Added the Live Training Recording link in the footer.
  4. Updated the footer with review link.

    Now you can also get the recording of the training and watch them as per your availability.

    And if you want to join the live training by SelectorsHub Founder, find more details and registration link here
VERSION: 4.1.4 (date 17-11-2021) 
  1. Fixed the id attribute issue to generate the cssSelector with id for shadow dom host.
  2. Updated the footer with review link.
  3. Updated the tutorial link with latest features.

    A must have training for all the automation and SelectorsHub users.
    Please find more details and registration link here-

    If training batch date and timing doesn’t suit you, you can get the recording and training material from here-

VERSION: 4.1.3 (date 04-11-2021) 
  1. Minor improvement in axes based xpath generation logic.
  2. Footer change for better visibility.
  3. Minor css fixes.

    Next Batch for XPath training is going to start from 17th Nov. Register here-

VERSION: 4.1.2 (date 01-11-2021) 
  1. SelectorsHub got listed on MDN.
  2. Updated context menu and the footer.

    Next training batch is going to start from 8th Nov. Register here-

VERSION: 4.1.1 (date 26-10-2021) 
  1. Fix for Dark Theme for Chrome version 95 and Edge 95 onwards.
  2. Fix for debugger start time. It was not getting reset on clicking on reset button, now it is fixed.

    Next training batch is going to start from 8th Nov. Register here-
VERSION: 4.1.0 (date 18-10-2021) 
  1. Now SelectorsHub will tell upfront what error you will get for the element in automation.
    Special thanks to Gaurav Khurana for suggesting this feature.
  2. It will show the details message for svg, shadow dom and iframe.
  3. Now user can set the debugger start time from Customize Ui Setting. Earlier it was set to 5sec.
  4. Updated the footer links order for better usability. 
  5. Created more batches for live training as per different timezones.

    A must have training for all the automation and SelectorsHub users. Please find more batches details and registration link here-

VERSION: 4.0.7 (date 15-10-2021) 
  1. Now SelectorsHub will suggest if any element will be non interactable through selenium. This will save huge amount of time and effort.
    Great thanks to Gaurav Khurana for suggesting this feature.
  2. Created more batches for XPath training as per different timezones. Announced a special batch for Australia as well.

    Want to be an expert in XPath, join this training by Sanjay Kumar (Founder of SelectorsHub). 1st batch will start from 18th Oct.
    Please find more batch details and registration link here-

VERSION: 4.0.6 (date 08-10-2021) 
  1. Improved the Axes XPath logic.
  2. Minor improvements in the UI.
  3. Created more batches for online training as per different timezones.

    Online training by Sanjay Kumar (Creator of SelectorsHub), 1st batch will start from 18th Oct.
    Please find more batch details and registration link here-
VERSION: 4.0.5 (date 05-10-2021) 
  1. Fix for id attribute for a tag. Issue reported by Anh Tester.
  2. Remove the tooltip for the saved selectors values as it was interrupting while typing in xpath box.
  3. Added the registration link for online training.
  4. Updated the footer links.

    First batch of online training by Sanjay Kumar (Creator of SelectorsHub) will start from 18th Oct.
    Please find more details and registration link here. Block your seat now.
    More details and Registration Link

VERSION: 4.0.4 (date 02-10-2021) 
  1. Deprecated the context menu filter. Now by default all selectors will be shown in context menu and any one of them can be copied directly.
  2. User can on/off context menu.
  3. Fix for context menu issue which was caused in 4.0.3 due to attribute filter fix.
  4. Added ‘XPath Plugin’ in the name of SelectorsHub.
  5. Updated the footer links.

    Please ask your company to donate and support SelectorsHub.
VERSION: 4.0.3 (date 22-09-2021) 
  1. Fix for attribute filter. Attribute filter was not working when inspecting element by right click on it.
  2. Fixed- In Axes XPath mode, checking and unchecking attribute filter considering as inspecting element.

    Both these issues were suggested by QTP Sudhakar. This release is completely dedicated to QTP Sudhakar. Huge thanks to him from the whole community.

    Please ask your company to donate and support SelectorsHub.
VERSION: 4.0.2 (date 21-09-2021) 
  1. Improved the index xpath logic
  2. Added certification link in footer.
  3. Added corporate training link in footer. I have started providing corporate training, connect with me.
  4. Work email request to provide better support.

    Please ask your company to be patron and support SelectorsHub.

VERSION: 4.0.1 (date 18-09-2021) 
  1. Added support to verify JS Path and jQuery right there in SelectorsHub.
  2. Disabled the patron popup. Now Unique key is not required.
  3. Improved the Axes XPath logic.
  4. Added the tooltip on axes button to show info to “go back to home screen.”
  5. Zero count match color fix for axes xpath.
  6. Lots of code optimisation which reduce the size by more than 20kb.

    Huge thanks to QTP Sudhakar & Gaurav Khurana for the great feedback and suggestion.

    Please ask your company to be patron and support SelectorsHub.

VERSION: 4.0.0 (date 11-09-2021) **Big Release**
  1. Automatically generate Axes based XPath.
  2. Smart Maintenance- Verify all the XPath of script in single shot.
  3. Index Based XPath
  4. jQuery Selector.
  5. UI Configuration option.
  6. Now patron popup will appear after 5mins without unique key. So there will not be any interruption for you and you can use it smoothly. Once there will be 1000 patron (1% user support), I will remove patron popup.
  7. A lot more improvement in XPath algorithm and much more.

    Join the 4.0 launch event live at SelectorsHub Youtube Channel on 15 Sep 9PM IST.
    4.0 Launch Event Link-


VERSION: 3.3.0 (date 05-09-2021)
  1. Now everyone can get the unique key without being patron and without making any donation.
  2. Introduced the learning and sharing program.
  3. Added upcoming SelectorsHub 4.0 premier video link in footer.

    Checkout this tutorial to learn how to get unique key to access all features without being patron & without donation.

    Please be patron and support SelectorsHub.

VERSION: 3.2.9 (date 30-08-2021)
  1. Minor fix for xpath and UI.
  2. Updated the patron request message.
  3. Added a form for user opinion on patron request.

    Please be patron and support SelectorsHub.

VERSION: 3.2.8 (date 23-08-2021)
  1. Now everyone can access all the features for 99Sec continuously.
  2. After 99Sec, if you want to use auto generate selectors feature then reopen SelectorsHub. Checkout this tutorial to learn more about these changes.
  3. To use all the features flawlessly be a SelectorsHub Patron.
  4. Be kind and please don’t give bad rating because of patron request, soon all the features will be available for everyone.. 🙏

    SelectorsHub is running out of fund now, it needs the community support to grow & run smoothly. Auto generated Selectors feature will be available for everyone when there will be minimum 1000 patrons(just 1% user support). Check the patron count & be a patron here. 
    Ask your company to be patron and your whole team get benefited.

VERSION: 3.2.7 (date 22-08-2021)
  1. Improved the patron flow.
  2. Patron request popup will show only once.
  3. After entering the patron key, it will automatically turn on the auto selectors generation.
  4. Updated the TestCase Studio link to opera store link.
  5. Please don’t give bad rating because of patron request, soon all the features will be available for everyone.. 🙏

    SelectorsHub is running out of fund now, it needs the community support to grow & run smoothly. Auto generated Selectors feature will be available for everyone when there will be minimum 1000 patrons, till then these features will be available only for Patron. Check the patron count & be a patron here. 
    I just need 1% user’s support.

VERSION: 3.2.6 (date 17-08-2021)
  1. Added auto generated selectors feature behind patron firewall.
  2. After being Patron, send a mail to to get the unique patron key.
  3. Without being patron, you can use SelectorsHub as a smart editor to write & verify selectors. Just click on close icon of this popup and enjoy using SelectorsHub.
  4. Please don’t give bad rating because of it, requesting for your support. 🙏

    SelectorsHub is running out of fund now, it needs the community support to grow & run smoothly. Auto generated Selectors feature will be available for everyone when there will be minimum 1000 patrons, till then these features will be available only for Patron. Check the patron count & be a patron here.
VERSION: 3.2.5 (date 04-08-2021)
  1. Separated TestCase Studio from SelectorsHub and launched it as a separate plugin.

  2. Updated the download link of TestCase Studio on it’s logo click.
  3. Updated the TestCase studio link in the footer.
    TestCase Studio Download Link
VERSION: 3.2.4 (date 29-07-2021)
  1. Introduced TestCase Studio.
  2. Changed the colour of footer.
  3. Added the TestCase Studio announcement in footer.

    TestCase Studio
     automates the test case writing process, now no need to write the test cases manually. It will save a huge amount of time.

    Checkout this tutorial to learn more about TestCase Studio and how to use it.
VERSION: 3.2.3 (date 25-07-2021)
  1. Updated the default file name, now exported file will have the name as domain+timestamp. Thank you Gaurav for suggesting this feature.
  2. Added support for style and script tag too. This feature was requested by Eric Blaser.
  3. Added info message if no value is saved and delete all button will not show. Thank you Gaurav for suggesting this feature.
  4. Changed footer banner text color from white to black.
  5. File export tooltip message updated from “export data in excel” to “export data into excel”. This was requested by Hanumantha Reddy G S. Thank you for the suggestion.
VERSION: 3.2.2 (date 05-07-2021)
  1. Added support for cross origin iframe elements. Now you can generate selectors for cross origin iframe elements too. Tutorial.
  2. Now one can get the patron key by making one time donation as well.

    To get patron key for  all patron features, be a patron or make a one time donation of minimum $20.

VERSION: 3.2.1 (date 01-07-2021)
  1. UI fix for Chinese Language for Edge & Chrome.
  2. Updated the Patron benefits video tutorial.

    Be a SelectorsHub Patron and get access to all the time saver features of SelectorsHub.

VERSION: 3.2.0 (date 25-06-2021)
  1. Added more features for SelectorsHub Patrons.
    List of Patron features- 
    1- Save selectors value
    2- Copy Shadow DOM code & nested iframes selectors.
    3- Copy all XPath & all cssSelectors.
    4- Hide footer for better view.
  2. UI fix for Chinese Language.
  3. Updated the detailed video tutorial.

    Be a SelectorsHub Patron and get access to all the time saver features of SelectorsHub.
VERSION: 3.1.9 (date 18-06-2021)
  1. Added new innovative feature – Support for elements inside iframe + shadow dom together.
  2. Removed the footer from SH tab for better view and added those link in SH toolbar popup. Thanks to Seema Prabhu for footer removal suggestion.
  3. Added the info message when user open SH in blank tab. 
  4. Fixed the DOT icon beside delete button in firefox.
  5. Fixed the icons size in firefox.

    Please support to achieve SelectorsHub Patrons Target.
    Currently – only 32 patrons.
    Target – 100 patrons.

VERSION: 3.1.8 (date 14-06-2021)
  1. Added the instructions page to use SelectorsHub. Enhancement suggested by Gaurav

    Now whenever user will open SelectorsHub for the first time, a small footer banner will show with the instruction page message.
    It will not show 2nd time.

  2. Added instruction in placeholder to save values.
  3. Added a patron target request.

    Please support to achieve SelectorsHub Patrons Target.
    Currently – only 30 patrons.
    Target – 100 patrons.
VERSION: 3.1.7 (date 05-06-2021)
  1. Introduced new bug tracking platform Bugasura. Going forward please raise the issue at Bugasura. You can also find the link in SH tab footer.
  2. Added support for selectors if attribute value contains []
  3.  Fix for UI break whenever there is line gap in text value. Issue#36
  4. Fix for youtube tutorial link. Issue#35
  5. Added youtube video link for driver command feature.

    Enjoying SelectorsHub, Buy me a coffee here
VERSION: 3.1.6 (date 30-05-2021)
  1. Added support to generate multi cssSelectors with command for framework like Cypress.
    Checkout this video here to write Cypress script efficiently & smartly.

  2. Fix for auto generated XPath with text. This issue got introduced in 3.1.5.

  3. Fix for attribute filters for cssSelectors.

  4. Huge optimization in auto generated cssSelectors.

    Loving SelectorsHub, please buy me a coffee here-

VERSION: 3.1.5 (date 27-05-2021)
  1. Added both the syntax name() and local-name() for svg & svg child in auto suggest.

  2. Fix to handle attribute values that starts with white space. issue#32

  3. Show auto suggest on typing colon for CSS Selector. issue#33

  4. Auto suggestions for more :nth selectors. issue#34

    Huge thanks to Mike for suggesting these improvements. This release is completely dedicated to Mike.

  5. Added SelectorsHub Telegram group link.

    Join the SelectorsHub Telegram Group here for support and all the updates.

    Subscribe to the SelectorsHub Youtube Channel to get all the upcoming update

           *If SelectorsHub helping you in your Job, please be a Patron here and support.

VERSION: 3.1.4 (date 23-05-2021)
  1. Removed the request popup.
  2. Resized the request popup and added it to the footer which will not interrupt the user view and uses.

    Subscribe to the SelectorsHub Youtube Channel to get all the upcoming updates

           *If SelectorsHub helping you in your Job, please be a Patron here and support.

VERSION: 3.1.3 (date 21-05-2021)
  1. Added a “Delete button” to delete all the saved selectors values from the list.
  2. Added SelectorsHub youtube channel link for all the tutorial and videos.
    Subscribe to the SelectorsHub Youtube Channel to get all the upcoming updates

           *If SelectorsHub helping you in your Job, please be a Patron here and support.

VERSION: 3.1.2 (date 18-05-2021)
  1. Introduced a new expand button to expand the selectors view so all generated selectors can been seen upfront. No need to scroll to see all generated Selectors.
  2. Changed the background of the editor area as white.
  3. Added a request to tweet about SelectorsHub and let the world know about this innovation.
    Please tweet about it.

    If SelectorsHub helping you in your Job, please be a Patron here and support.
VERSION: 3.1.1 (date 11-05-2021)
  1. Minor UI improvements.
  2. Improved the XPath logic for text.
  3. Added the review request. Please add review here.

     SelectorsHub Certification Program.

    To save more time with SelectorsHub, please take this course ⬇️


VERSION: 3.1.0 (date 05-05-2021)
  1. Minor UI fix for XPath/css.. title for chrome browser.

  2. Updated the footer with SelectorsHub Udemy Course & SelectorsHub Certification Program.

    To save more time with SelectorsHub, please take this course ⬇️


VERSION: 3.0.9 (date 22-04-2021)
  1. Now, the saved selectors feature is available for everyone.
  2. Added request message for donation.

    Urgent help needed: SelectorsHub is running out of funds, pls donate at least $10 & support.
    For INR transaction, please use my GooglePay or PayTM number- 9663877336
    For international transaction, please use PayPaL
VERSION: 3.0.8 (date 15-04-2021)
  1. Now you can save xpath and selectors value in SelectorsHub. This feature is exclusively available for patron only. So please be a patron and enjoy this amazing time saver feature. Thanks to Tony Chia for this feature suggestion.
    Watch this tutorial to learn about this feature-
  2. Now case sensitive button will work as toggle. After converting selectors case insensitive if you want to change it back to normal then click on the icon again. Thanks to Sankal Rao for this idea.
  3. Fix for Filter tooltip. Thanks to Sankalp for reporting this issue.
  4. Repositioned few tooltips for better view.
VERSION: 3.0.7 (date 05-04-2021)
  1. Removed the activeTab permission from SelectorsHub so now it will be having less access to opened browser tab.
  2. This will make extension more secure from user point of view.
  3. Now every company can easily approve the SelectorsHub as most of the company check if extension asking for activeTab permission.
VERSION: 3.0.6 (date 04-04-2021)
  1. Launched 3.0 for Firefox.
  2. Updated sponsor.
  3. Updated the tutorial link for multiple XPath generation.
  4. Minor fix in UI for windows laptop.
VERSION: 3.0.5 (date 30-03-2021)
  1. New Feature- Added a toggle button to enable and disable auto attribute suggestion while typing. Thanks to Gaurav Khurana for suggesting this feature.

  2. New Feature- Added a button to generate selector with double quotes. So now you can generate selectors either with double quote or single quote. Thanks to Ken Son, TagUi creator for this feature suggestion.

  3. Added a special benefit for all Patrons. Now Patrons will have an option to hide the footer banner and so they will better and clear view in SelectorsHub.

  4. Expended the view for selectors so now you will be able to see 5 selectors.

  5. Fix for all the rows visibility when there are more matching nodes.

  6. Removed the Donate text from header.

  7. Added text On/Off on the toggle button.

  8. Fix for red colour on error message. Issue#22
VERSION: 3.0.4 (date 23-03-2021)
  1. Added the FREE SelectorsHub certification link in footer banner.
    Get your SelectorsHub certificate here Now.
VERSION: 3.0.3 (date 20-03-2021)
  1. Minor fix for cssSelector in case of shadow DOM, corner case.
VERSION: 3.0.2 (date 19-03-2021)
  1. Major improvement in cssSelector generation. Now it will give cssSelector for all the elements.
  2. Fix for those Shadow DOM elements which doesn’t have attribute.
  3. Added message for wrong spelling like normalise. It should be normalize. Thanks to Gaurav Khurana for suggestion.
  4. UI Fix for upcoming edge browser version. Thanks to Gaurav Khurana for highlighting this issue.
  5. Added announcement for Safari browser as Free. Now you can SelectorsHub on Safari browser for free.
    Please watch this video tutorial to learn how to use SelectorsHub on Safari as it is not same like on other browser.
    How to use SelectorsHub on Safari browser?
VERSION: 3.0.1 (date 17-03-2021)
  1. UI Fix for input box for edge dev version. Thanks to Gaurav Khurana for reporting this issue.

  2. Fix for nested frame which are inside iframe. Thanks to Sankalp for reporting this issue.

  3. Fix for error message of xpath. Thanks to Gaurav Khurana for suggestion.

  4. Updated the 3.0 YouTube tutorial link.

VERSION: 3.0.0 (date 15-03-2021)
  1. Debugger option to inspect dynamic element.

  2. Nested Shadow DOM support.

  3. Nested iframe support.

  4. Generate case insensitive selectors.

  5. Generate Multi selectors.

  6. Generate complete script to handle shadow DOM elements. Thanks to Nitesh Jain for suggesting this feature.

  7. Watch this video tutorial to learn more about these incredible innovations –
VERSION: 2.2.0 (date 09-03-2021)
  1. Added SelectorsHub 3.0 premier announcement.
    Join the 3.0 premier here
VERSION: 2.1.9 (date 09-03-2021)
  1. Fix for FORM tag issue. This issue was reported by Akshay SH. Thank you Akshay for helping with the details.
  2. Added request message for donation. Kindly donate at least for coffee to keep running SelectorsHub free and smooth.
VERSION: 2.1.8 (date 04-03-2021)
  1. Added request message to be SelectorsHub patron just by paying 1$ per month.
  2. Add FREE XPath & cssSelector course link.
    XPath course for beginners
    cssSelectors course for beginners
  3. Added link to add review.
    Please give rating here
VERSION: 2.1.7 (date 26-02-2021)
  1. Removed the close button for announcement banner. Now you just click on the announcement banner to hide it.
  2. Added announcement for SelectorsHub 3.0.
    Checkout the Nested Shadow DOM innovative feature of 3.0
VERSION: 2.1.6 (date 23-02-2021)
  1. Fix for close button for edge browser. Reported by Gaurav. Thank you Gaurav.
  2. Added announcement banner for TestProject 2.0. 

    TestProject 2.0:  The next generation of testing is coming – surprises included 🎮

VERSION: 2.1.5 (date 19-02-2021)
  1. Added the Moolympics #2 challenge link.
    Take this MoolymPics challenge and win exciting cash price. 1st price 200 USD.
  2. Added safari icon for SelectorsHub for safari browser.
  3. Rearranged the footer icons.
VERSION: 2.1.4 (date 12-02-2021)
  1. Added message for SelectorsHub For Safari Browser Launch.
    Please try it now on Safari Browser, SelectorsHub is the very first locator tool for Safari browser.
VERSION: 2.1.3 (date 28-01-2021)
  1. Fix for error message when DOM is not loaded and not any element inspected in DOM.
  2. Fix for error message for SVG element XPath verification. 
  3. Small fix for relative xpath generation
VERSION: 2.1.2 (date 23-01-2021)
  1. Optimised cssSelector generation logic.
  2. Added request message to share about SelectorsHub.

VERSION: 2.1.1 (date 10-01-2021)
  1. Added name attribute prior to value. Thanks to Pallavi Sharma for the suggestion.

  2.  Added Udemy FREE XPath course link.

VERSION: 2.1.0 (date 31-12-2020)
  1. Improved the XPath logic.
  2. Added award winning message. SelectorsHub has won the Indian Achievers’ Award 2020.
VERSION: 2.0.9 (date 24-12-2020)
  1. Improved the selectors for iframe and Shadow DOM in context menu.
  2. It will give iframe and Shadow DOM information with selector value copied from right click.
  3. Review request message will show after 10sec after opening the SelectorsHub tab.
  4. Review request message will be hidden automatically by clicking on review link.
  5. Review link will not appear again once you added the review or clicked on the close button of review.
VERSION: 2.0.8 (date 10-12-2020)
  1. Now you can fetch the attribute and text value through xpath. For ex- //h2/@class will give the class value of h2 and //h2/text() will give the text value of h2.
  2. Fix for SelectorsHub suggested selector.
  3. Added the review request. Please rate and review SelectorsHub.
VERSION: 2.0.7 (date 04-12-2020)
  1. UI fix for warning icon for dynamic element.
  2. Space fix for cssSelector.
  3. Added a request message to be patron of SelectorsHub and support it to keep it FREE forever.
VERSION: 2.0.6 (date 11-11-2020)
  1. Added axes for cssSelectors. Now it will auto suggest all child, descendant and adjacent siblings etc while writing cssSelectors too.
  2. Fixed the performance issue for the , now it will slow down the right click performance on these pages.
  3. Fix for “click to edit” feature for Firefox.
  4. Added proper error message for closed shadow root.
  5. Remove the highlighter on closing the SelectorsHub tab.
VERSION: 2.0.5 (date 04-11-2020)
  1. Added the copy icon to copy selector value. Thanks to the community to suggesting this feature.
  2. Improved the performance  by almost 30%.
  3. Improved the XPath logic for text to give more optimised relative xpath
  4. Changed the dotted red line to solid red line on hover to the matching node in SelectorsHub tab. Thanks to QTP Sudhakar for suggestion.
  5. Fix for svg child element for shadow DOM.
  6. On right click by default it will show only relative xpath. To get more option, enable it from tool bar menu.
VERSION: 2.0.4 (date 02-11-2020)
  1. Fix for suggested SH selector
  2. Excluded onclick attribute from auto suggest
  3. Updated the primary sponsor TestProject
VERSION: 2.0.3 (date 28-10-2020)
  1. Improved the XPath logic to generate with text. Now it will generate much shorter xpath with text.
  2. For links, buttons and headers to generate relative XPath, first priority will be text than attributes.
  3. Fix for double dot (..) .
  4. Updated the video tutorial link.
  5. Fix for html tag to show the html node in SelectorsHub tab.
    This release is completely dedicated to QTP Sudhakar for his suggestions. Thank you so much Sudhakar.
VERSION: 2.0.2 (date 15-10-2020)
  1. Deprecated “Double click to copy box value”.
  2. Fix for iframe xpath.
  3. Added auto suggest for axes immediately after /. Thanks to QTP Sudhakar for this suggestion.
  4. Fix for absolute xpath on context menu setting.

VERSION: 2.0.1 (date 13-10-2020)
  1. Added option to enable disable contextMenu.
  2. Now user can choose which all selectors to show in context menu.
  3. Optimised the Selectors generation logic.
  4. Fix the performance issue for context menu.
  5. Added the PayTM and Google Pay number for donation.
  6. Updated the Attribute Filter icons from Radio to Checkbox.
  7. Improved the UI and UX.
VERSION: 2.0.0 (date 04-10-2020)
  1. Added the auto generated all types of selectors in single click.
  2. Introduced a new selector- relative cssSelector.
  3. Introduced one more new selector- JS path.
  4. Get the copy selector option in context menu.
  5. Saves the config in local.
  6. Generate the selector with specific attribute.
  7. Generate selector with driver command.
  8. Complete new UI.
  9. Option to switch UI to just editor mode or editor and generator both.

VERSION: 1.0.6 (date 10-09-2020)
  1. Added support undocked devtools.
  2. Minor functionality improvement.
  3. Changed the font family for windows OS for better readability.
  4. Popup window icons will change on hover now.
VERSION: 1.0.5 (date 05-09-2020)
  1. Added support for frame. Earlier SelectorsHub was supporting iframe only, now it supports frame too.
  2. Added more details about selectors functions and error message info.
  3. UI and minor functional improvement.
VERSION: 1.0.4 (date 31-08-2020)
  1. Fix for @ auto suggest
  2. Added the telegram group link.
  3. Rearranged the footer icons for better readability.
  4. Updated the xpath/cssSel.. header title font and color to improve readability.
  5. Optimised the instruction text and added FAQs and video link.
    Huge thanks to Gaurav and QTP Sudhakar for great feedback. This release is completed dedicated to both of them.
VERSION: 1.0.3 (date 24-08-2020)
  1. Number of occurrences in the auto suggest.  Thanks to Gaurav Khurana for the suggestion.
  2. SVG suggestion in title.
  3. Separated the error message and info.
  4. Added index suggestion like (//span[text()=’Jobs’])[1].
  5. Added position(), last(), normalise-space() functions in auto suggest. Thanks to QTP Sudhakar and SaiKiran for suggestion.
  6. Added How to use instruction as placeholder.
  7. Highlight error message with instruction if user makes any mistake while using it.
  8. Added dark theme for auto suggest dropdown.
  9. Updated the social media links.
VERSION: 1.0.2 (date 13-08-2020)
  1. Added more cssSelectors suggestion like [attribute$=’value’] , [attribute^=‘value’] and [attribute*=‘value’]. Thanks to Arun Motoori for the suggesting this feature.
  2. Fix for AND OR condition.
  3. Improved the error message suggestion
  4. Improved the SVG suggestions
VERSION: 1.0.1 (date 04-08-2020)
  1. If user start typing xpath then it will suggest only xpath option, if cssSelector then cssSelector option.
  2. It will also show the xpath and css in the dropdown which makes easy to understand for what kind selector this suggestion is.
  3. Improved the error message for invalid selectors.
  4. Now it will not show those attribute/text options for which there is no match in the DOM.
  5. Updated the video tutorial link.
  6. Updated the theme pic in popup.
VERSION: 1.0.0 (date 29-07-2020)
  1. Auto Suggest attributes, text, siblings and all possible combinations for selectors while typing.
  2. ShadowDOM support. Very first innovation which made it possible to verify cssSelectors for shadowDOM elements.
  3. Gives the proper error message for invalid selectors.
  4. Supports iframe.
  5. Supports svg element.
  6. Most secured plugin. Inject script only when SelectorsHub tab is opened to use. 

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