Smart Editor

Write and verify xpath Write and verify cssSelector Write and verify jsPath Write and verify jQuery Save xpath and selector value and access them direct from SelectorsHub Turn off toggle to stop auto suggest while typing

How to automate Shadow DOM in selenium

Just inspect the element if it will be inside shadowDOM, it will show “in ShadowDOM” in the SelectorsHub tab. It will auto generate the script in java-selenium to automate shadow dom element It will also generate the css selector and gives other information. To write the cssSelector for any element which is inside shadowDOM, just […]

XPath Error handling

Error control is one of the most important feature which makes SelectorHub better than others.This powerful tool enables you to learn to write your own xpath and selector and enables you to learn doing it in a smart way.It not only tells you that an error occurred but also determines what is the error and […]

 Auto Generate Xpath and CSS selector

Inspect the element to generate all possible xpath and selectors for the element. Copy Value Edit Value Please follow below tutorial for practical example

All the SelectorsHub features in a glance

Smart editor which auto suggests all possible XPath & selectors functions along with their occurrences while typing. Generate all types of possible selectors for inspecting elements in a single click. Error handling. It gives the proper error message like what is wrong in your xpath and cssSelector.  Supports iframe and nested iframes. Supports shadow dom […]


There are many browsers providing us with many functionality but you may choose any of the browsers according to your suitability. Visit our website

What is SelectorsHub?

SelectorsHub is the free Next Gen xPath & cssSelectors browser plugin. It helps to generate, write and verify xpath & cssSelector. SelectorsHub auto suggests all possible functions, attributes, text and everything along with their occurrences while typing to complete Selectors like xpath & cssSelector in just less than 5 seconds. Now we need not to […]

XPath Syntax Errors and how to resolve them?

Generally we have always discussed and solved the problem of zero matching count of xpath and tried to make that unique xpath but we mostly missed to discuss the xPath syntax error.Handling the syntax error makes us expert in that particular technology. Of course not all the errors can be discussed in one article but […]