This is best tool to find out elements very efficiently and can saves lot of time in identifying elements. This has best features, every test engineer should have knowledge on it.

 Praveen Kumar Kanakam


                  Raviraj M


As a automation tester, its very useful as it saves time so much of time of mine, I really the appreciate the work done by Sanjay and also recommend to use this extension.

This tool is just Awesome!!! Thanks for your time and effort for creating this tool for the locators . It make Automation Testers Life very much easier.

                Roopanshi Raj


               Rani Sawant


Selectors Hub is an awesome tool which makes Automation easy and confident making our life easier. It’s really very helpful. Thanks much Sanjay!!!

Thank you sanjay for innovating this kind of plugins and freshers we be syntax easily.It is very useful for us in further time and by using this plugins we can easily find shadow-root elements and iframe elements. Thank you sir….

               surekha parimi


                Vijayalakshmi SN


This tool is really very helpful for the beginners in automation. To be honest, I don’t know how you manage to do such a good job every single time. Very well done!.

The best XPath editor and huge time saver. Not sure why people say don’t use xpath tool when tool like selectorshub can save such huge amount of time in building xpath and learning. People should change their perception.

                   Pradeep soni


               Mayank Panwar


Sanjay, you are just amazing with your work. Most importantly, how many people think of helping the world with their work. You started with chropath and saw the gaps and killed everything with Selectorhub. Its such an amazing tool, you can find shadow, svg, css, you name it with the help of tool. Trust me you say you can find in 5 seconds and I bet, its about 2 seconds. Keep up the amazing work and feel free to let me know if I can help anyway! Cheers – Mayank

Amazing Innovation Sanjay. THANK YOU so much SelectorsHub for helping me in utilizing my time better way.

                 Mohan Krishna


                sanjay kumar


I just started to explore the “Selectorshub” ! It’s great innovation which helps many people to learn how to write the xpath,css selectors etc. in a easy way and with in a short span of time. Thanks to Sanjay for innovating the “Selectorshub”.

Thanks Sanjay for an awesome cool tool. Indeed …. This is a very very powerful tool.

In real time, I have used finding element using attribute ignoring case, like below. Please add this feature in future release.

//input[translate(@title, ‘ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ’, ‘abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’) = ‘this is my title’]

input[id=’login1_username’ i]

             Marzook Rehana


                    Tony Chia


This the the most accurate and robust selector generator/editor on the market. I wish i had known about this one year ago. It would have saved me a lot of time.

Thankyou Sanjay Sir for creating SelectorsHub. It’s an amazing tool for the testers community to work on and makes it very easy for them to accomplish their tasks.

                Sanket Gohane


                AKASH SINGHAL


Really an amazing tool for Css and Xpath locator. Thanks Sanjay for such a gr8 work for the community. I would recommend to add operators (and , or and not ) in the xpath locator.

Awesome.. Loved the way its help us know the why my syntax is wrong… Thanks, looking forward for the pipelined items.

          Vamshikiran Bathini


              Pragyan Panda


Excellent work.It is saving a lot of time while locating element and showing error message if any syntax is wrong.Really helpful for tester community.

Its really good tool. Its saves a lot of time for automation testers.

            Priyanshu Anand


                Diana Ashlie


SelectorsHub has so many amazing features it does makes the our life easy… learning while working on it… thanks Sanjay Kumar

Awesome work by Sanjay. This is an amazing tool which helpful for both new coming in automation and Experience person also .

            Hasmukh Purohit


               Jeel Dhanvade


Just an amazing tool.!!Thanks a lot and Keep up the great work sir, All the best for upcoming features 🙂

This is still not what i want but for a free tool it is the best chrome extension for xpath and css selector generation. It gives better suggestion and you can write xpath very easily. I was wondering If you could make an extension for web scrapers that need Rel x path in scrapy framework. and that extension will generate x path that gives exactly what you want and you dont need to write the x path at all. just copy and paste.

                  PK Avenger


          Dinesh Venkat


Hi sir…this is awesome tool…i really loved it..thank you so much for your really helps a lot…

Such a wonder full tool for creating the xpaths for Automating web application. Due to 100% accuracy of xpath creation we are now able to focused more on development of test scripts and on framework. Thanks Sankay Kumar for SelectorsHub.

               shiva farkade


               Chris Trimper


I think this tool could be a super helper for anyone crafting locators – will help me to broaden my view vs. any narrow thoughts I might have.

Holy smokes. Big Kudos to this tool now.

I have a link ‘launch’ that exists on many widgets on the page.

If i select the widget ‘get the helper to find it right’, then inspect the ‘launch link’, the focus changes and allows the helper to find that link VERY NICE

Very nice work Sanjay, i am bit new to Selenium but with this i am able to learn other ways to get x path and also saving time obviously. Keep going we are with you..!!!!

            sourabh chouhan


          Annapurna Madgi


Awesome tool Sanjay !!! Thanks for your time and effort for creating this tool for the locators.This is an amazing tool which saves plenty of time for QA community.

Really Awsome. Once you check this one you will get addicted with this. Recommend to all QA. Thanks Sanjay Kumar .Wish you All the best.

         Bhagyawan Pawar 


                    Rafi Shaik


It is really an amazing extension and a minimum knowledge guy also able to find the unique root path for element with this

When I started learning automation, it was said, if you know how to get your xpath, you know automation. SelectorsHub is a great innovation, saves time, covers mostly all concepts and easy to use.

Shadow DOM is a new concept for many and will help to ease our day to day automation. Way to go Sanjay!! Kudos to you.

                   Chitrranshi A


                       Gayathri K

SelectorsHub is a life saviour for all SDETs. It saves our time by locating invisible DOM elements and debugging feature in it is the best. It really helps us learning how to take different locators. Thank you so much Sanjay for innovating such a incredible tool. We love your work.

Really an amazing tool for Css and Xpath locator. Amazing work sanjay ,Every automation tester and developer must have this tool for their work and save lots of time.Thank you somuch sanjay..

            NagaDurga pallavi


                 bhumil vyas


Finding appropriate and faster elements is one of the key aspect and time consuming process in the UI Automation.I would say this tool becomes a good friend of QA now due to the outstanding functions it provides. Best wishes for the future work!!

having a tool which does almost everything for you , may not be good as it might make us dependent always, but having an option of allowing it do as we want is a great option. But it`s good to have in your system.

                  Akash Das


 rajeswari chennamsetty  


Writing this review after using it and totally loved it. Does SelectorsHub supports react dropdowns? I tried to find out locator for react dropdown options , but couldn’t. I was able to find same locator in dev tools by using Event listener breakpoints.

Amazing innovating tool which will help to make QA automation tester life little easy.

               Rajan Manglani


             Dhruv Lokapure


An extremely adept chrome extension which has allowed me and my team to save loads of time on selecting the best locator and adopting a strategy to automate web applications.

Sanjay, the creator, is extremely responsive with feedback and it’s really easy to reach out to him and communicate any domain or technology specific issues/feedback/suggestions.

Highly recommended for all QA teams, please also support the creator in his endeavours if you can. Thank you!

You are doing an excellent job, by providing this life saver tool. thank you so much for your contribution. keep up your good work.



                      sn work


Why you removed the possibility to technical issues here? why just on slack? why not website? please return this feature. My bug is that if id is with more than one brackets, for example regions[iad][filter_videosize_list][]_menu selector hub tells that this is the xpath //ul[@id=’regions[iad] and not the full ID after the brackets

Its an amazing tool for beginners as well as experts in Test automation to identify locators. It saves lot of time that goes behind identify locators. Just love it.

      Gayatree Kunjadiya


                  surya teja

Awesome implementation. Great work sanjay. All the best for selectorsHub.

Awesome work Sanjay.

You make tester’s life easy. Great work.

        Ashish Badhani


                 Ahmed Bilal


KUDOS to Sanjay and a very helpful initiative for all the testers indeed. Time saving idea I must say. Thanks!

Its really good extension and help to save time while writing xpath. Its really good plugin that we can install on all the browsers. Thanks you so much SelectorsHub for helping utilizing time better way.

                 Nilima Patil


                Hari MS

Excellent tool. Every automation tester and even developers must have this tool for their regular work. It saves a lot of time in writing Xpath and even it helps to write effective Xpath patterns which pretty much straight can use in test scripts. Expecting more features to come in future days. I appreciate Sanjay’s effort in creating and giving the tool for testing community. Great work. Keep it up.
Was this review helpful?

Hi Sanjay, Selectors hub is very user friendly and saves lots of time and efforts to generate xpath. Thank you so much Thanks!

                Ekta Desai


            kanchan bhendarkar


As your thoughts for learning perspective with automated locators is very unique concept , and really helps me in working time , Thank you so much Sanjay for this ,Hatts of to youKUDOS to Sanjay and a very helpful initiative for all the testers indeed. Time saving idea I must say. Thanks!

Just a amazing innovation that helps tester to learn and find xpath which saves lot of time. Personally this tool helps me to upgrade my career to automation. Thanks Sanjay 🙂

              Vinoth Kannan


               Ashish Sharma


If you are dealing with xpath and css selectors for test-automation or if finding a locator for an iframe and shadowDOM takes lot of your time, SelectorsHub is the tool for you. It is an awesome tool from the creator of another great tool chropath. This tool provides a great help for beginners to learn locator creation and saves time for both beginners and experts. If you work on web UI test automation, a highly recommended tool to have in your browser.

Thanks Sanjay Kumar for this amazing tool.!!!!!!!!!!!!

# This is #FastProductivityTools #devops tool , a time-saving and speed-busting tool for Tester and Developers.!!!

# Amazing tool and found worthy !!!!!!!!!

              sachin bhange


                     Mayank Jain


Really a very innovative & much useful tool. I really appreciate the thought process behind this. Thanks to sanjay for this.

Best tool for finding Xpath and css selector in current scenario.

                Chetan Metker


            Gautam Gajera


It is amazing experince by using the SelectorsHub. I personally like in SelectorsHub is that very flexible and self-intelligent while using it. It will increase the productivity to writing the xpath or script. Thanks a lot to Sanjay for providing such an amazing too

Crores of Thanks and much appreciated for your efforts Sanjay!!

              Sai Niranjan


                S Ksag


This is amazing tool, Very good supporting tool for automation tester, thanks for your tips..

SelectorHub tool is really great that save alot of time But can’t able to find unique xpath because lot of element can’t be find in one word sometimes I have to use ancestor function, following sibling, move from child to parent and parent to child element,. If this type of functionality is implement in selectorHub then Please make proper video to understand how to use. Your short tutorial video is not enough for that. 🙂

                Swati Priya


                    Anya Ruiz


This is a great tool and the YouTube training videos are very educational and helpful. This tool will save a lot of time to locate elements.

While I have used different xpath extensions along with Chropath but this time Selectorshub has set the bar really high.What an amazing tools. Although it is always recommended to go by finding xpath manually but when someone is having a good understanding of xpath this is abolutely fine to use this plugin and saves a lot time while scripting. What a wonderful contribution to Tester’s community. Congratulations Sanjay.

                Manish Singh


                    Ravi k


Really appreciate your work Mr. Sanjay, SelectorsHub such an amazing plugin useful in SDET’s community in finding elements in Iframes, Shadow Doms and SVG elements accurately in short time. Please keep up the good work.

It’s really a great tool for automation. I strongly suggest this tool to create the robust locators.

              Viji Senthil kumar


                Nrravi Tej


5 star is max i can give here, if i have option i would give 10 stars or more. BEST TOOL SO FAR

nice one mate. I am looking forward to something for finding mobile apps elements as well

              Anshuman Mishra


          Mayur Choudhary


Thanks Sanjay for this tool. This will reduce the effort for every tester and provide to the point selectors with short span of time. We will love to explore this in rest of the life.

Selectorshub is a very good tool for finding an Xpath. I am a beginner and I took so much time to find Xpath. By using Selectorshub I crack it easily… Thanks a lot sanjay

                   Jaikanth A


              Yamini Kapadia


I started using SelectorHub recently. The creator looked into minor details what exactly end user needs. This tools made my life easier. Good work.

Selectors Hub is a must have tool for Automation Engineer. Again a life saver, Kudos to Sanjay

                Jyesh Ranjan


                Vikram Issar


After Chropath, another great tool by Sanjay that is simplifying our tasks to get hold of the annoying locators. Thank you for this wonderful tool.

Complete details are accumulated here. Too fexible, informative for locators. Easy to understand complex situation to handle

                Jayasri Santosh
