Top 5 Free App For Testers

August 31, 2023

Top 5 Free tools for testers to boost your productivity and these are highest rated products under top 20 Chrome’s extensions and a lot more highly  recommended by all the trainers and influences out there.

These are following –

1. SelectorsHub (XPath & Selectors plugin)
SelectorsHub is the free Next Gen XPath plugin & CSS Selectors plugin. It is officially featured by the chrome store.

2. TestCaseStudio (Recorder plugin)
TestCase Studio is a free browser recorder plugin to record the user actions performed on a web application in plain English Sentences with Screenshots. It is officially featured by the chrome store..

3. Testing Daily (App to get Testing trends)
Testing Daily is the tester’s home page which lists down all the latest testing related blogs, tutorials, news and trends at one place.

It is an absolutely free community app which is available as browser plugin, mobile app and web application.

4. AutoTestData (generate fake data)
Generate Test Data in 3 Steps

Choose the types of data you want
Choose Data format
Number of Rows

5. TestCaseHub (TestCase Repository)
TestCaseHub is a repository of Test Cases and Scenarios. Users can search for any functionality or feature in TestCaseHub and it will list all possible best test cases.

If a user found any missing scenarios or test cases are not available for any particular scenario then the user can add those test cases which will be reviewed and after review it will start appearing on search results.