TCS PRO Delete All

Many a times we want to record a new test case and don’t want to waste time in closing and opening the studio window so here it has a very great feature to clear all the recorded data in single shot and you can enjoy recording the fresh test case from step 1. Just clean […]

TCS PRO Set TestCase Name

Before Downloading the recorded test case, you can set the test case name as per your requirement. By default it will download the test case with the domain name of the first url from where you started recording followed by time stamp.For ex- Recording was started from so the default file name at that […]

TCS PRO Download Screenshots

To download all the recorded screenshots in one go, just click on the download screenshot button given in the footer. To download or copy any particular screenshot, just right click on that and click on the required option.

TCS PRO Download Last Test Case

Some times it happened that by mistake we close the TestCase Studio Pro window without downloading the recorded Test Case and loose the data. But you need not to worry, Pro version has covered you. Here you have an option to download the last recorded test case in XLS format. There is a button in […]

TCS PRO Download Steps in PDF/XLS/CSV format

You can download the recorded steps and content in your required format like XLS or CSV or PDF. Just click on the respective download button and it will download the file in your system. Note: 1. It will download only those columns which will be visible at the time of downloading. So this is helpful […]

TCS PRO Attribute Filter

To generate the XPath and css Selector, set the attribute filter before starting the recording.. To set the attribute just follow below these two simple steps- Click on Set Attribute filter button. Uncheck/Check the Attributes with which you want to generate the XPath and css Selector.

TCS PRO Pause and Resume Recording

1- To pause the recording at point of time, just click on the pause button in TestCase Studio Pro window. 2- To resume the recording, click on the same icon again.

TCS PRO Customize UI

Yes columns can be removed which are not required. To hide any columns which is not required, click on Customize button. Uncheck the column’s checkbox which you want to hide. It will immediately hide those columns. For ex- Exp Res and CssSelector columns are hidden now. After setting the columns, you can again click on […]

TCS PRO Add and Delete Step

You can add step before and after any recorded step. Any particular step can also be deleted. To add a step manually, just click on + icon of the row after which you want to add new step. It will add blank row where you can add the details for the step. For ex- wait […]


1- Turn on Command Toggle to generate xpath and css Selector with command. 2- By default it will add the driver.findElement command on all xpath and css Selector after turning on the command toggle. 3- If you want to change the command, just click on the command input box. It will show some predefined commands, […]