Benefits of Check My Links

Benefits   Efficiency: Saves time by automating the process of checking links, which is especially useful for large websites with numerous pages.   Accuracy: Helps ensure that all links are functioning correctly, reducing the chances of users encountering broken links.   SEO Improvement: Helps maintain a clean link profile, which is important for search engine […]

Features Of Check My Links

Features:        1. Link Status Overview:         Valid Links: The number of valid links that returned a 200 status code (e.g., 720). These links are highlighted in green. Read More Valid Redirect Links: The number of links that correctly redirect to another URL (e.g., 11). These links are highlighted in […]

How to use Check My Links

How to Use Check My Links Chrome Extension Step-by-Step Guide: Installation: Go to the Chrome Web Store. Search for “Check My Links”. Click the “Add to Chrome” button to install the extension. Confirm the installation by clicking “Add Extension” in the pop-up dialog. Confirm the installation by clicking “Add Extension” in the pop-up dialog. Activation: […]

How can you customize options in SelectorsHub?

How to use:To customize options in SelectorsHub, you can follow these steps: 1. Customize UI: Click on the “Customize Ul” button. This will allow you to modify the user interface by hiding or showing specific selectors and Ul buttons.  2. Hide Unnecessary Selectors: If certain selectors like tag name, absolute XPath, J’s path, or Query […]

How to Get all the Disabled Input Box in a Web Page with SelectorsHub?

How to use:To get all the disabled input boxes in a web page using SelectorsHub, follow these simple steps: 1. Open the web page in your browser. 2. Right-click on the page and select “Inspect” to open the developer tools. Go to the “Elements” tab in the developer tools. Open SelectorsHub by clicking on its […]

How to Generate XPath Automatically for XML Elements with SelectorsHub?

How to use: To generate XPath automatically for XML elements using SelectorsHub, Follow these steps: 1. Prepare the XML File: Make a copy of your XML File and change its extension from xml to html. 2. Open in Browser: Open the newly created HTML File in your web browser by double-clicking it. 3. Use SelectorsHub: […]