XPath Functions and CSS Selector Function


XPath functions.

1. Single attribute


Double attribute


2. Parent


3. Ancestor


4. Child


5. Descendant


6. Following



7. Preceding



8. index based





9. Text value




//span[contains (.,’CONTINUE’)]


10. And/Or

//input[@type=’submit’ or @name=’btnReset’]

//input[@type=’submit’ and @name=’btnLogin’


XPath and cssSelector Error Handling


1. //svg is the wrong format. SVG elements doesn’t support the standard xpath format. It has a different format.

wrong format – //svg

correct format for svg-


and for svg child- Suppose path tag is the child element of svg then the format will be

wrong format- //path

correct format – //*[name()=’path’]

2. Shadow DOM elements don’t support xpath so we can write only cssSelector for shadow DOM elements.
3. After / only tagname * and . is allowed
wrong xpath – //li-icon[@type=’camera-icon’]/../*/

correct format- //li-icon[@type=’camera-icon’]/../*/div

4. Just after ] text is not allowed.
wrong format – //li-icon[@type=’camera-icon’]div
correct format – //li-icon[@type=’camera-icon’]//div


cssSelector function





tagName[attributeName$=’ending value of attributeValue’]

tagName[attributeName^=’starting value of attributeValue’]

tagName[attributeName*=’substring of attributeValue’]

$ – ends with 

^ – starts with 

* – contains


Descendant combinator
The   (space) combinator selects nodes that are descendants of the first element.
Syntax: A B
Example: div span will match all Child combinator
The > combinator selects nodes that are direct children of the first element.
Syntax: A > B
Example: ul > li will match all General sibling combinator
The ~ combinator selects siblings. This means that the second element follows the first (though not necessarily immediately), and both share the same parent.
Syntax: A ~ B
Example: p ~ span will match all Adjacent sibling combinator
The + combinator selects adjacent siblings. This means that the second element directly follows the first, and both share the same parent.
Syntax: A + B
Example: h2 + p will match all <h2>.
Column combinator 
The || combinator selects nodes which belong to a column.
Syntax: A || B
Example: col || td will match all CSS pseudo-class represents the first element among a group of sibling elements.

/* Selects any <p> that is the first element
   among its siblings */
p:first-child {
  color: lime;

The :last-child CSS pseudo-class represents the last element among a group of sibling elements.

/* Selects any <p> that is the last element
   among its siblings */
p:last-child {
  color: lime;

The :nth-child() CSS pseudo-class matches elements based on their position in a group of siblings.

/* Selects the second <li> element in a list */
li:nth-child(2) { 
  color: lime;

/* Selects every fourth element
   among any group of siblings */
:nth-child(4n) {
  color: lime;

The :nth-last-child() CSS pseudo-class matches elements based on their position among a group of siblings, counting from the end.

/* Selects every fourth element
   among any group of siblings,
   counting backwards from the last one */
:nth-last-child(4n) {
  color: lime;

The :first-of-type CSS pseudo-class represents the first element of its type among a group of sibling elements.

/* Selects any <p> that is the first element
   of its type among its siblings */
p:first-of-type {
  color: red;

The :last-of-type CSS pseudo-class represents the last element of its type among a group of sibling elements.

/* Selects any <p> that is the last element
   of its type among its siblings */
p:last-of-type {
  color: lime;