How to get your blogs/videos on Testing Daily Feed?

How to get company blogs on Testing Daily Feed?

Please follow one simple step to integrate your company blogs with Testing Daily-

  •  Write a blog about Testing Daily on your website.

After adding the above blog, kindly share rss feed link of your website and logo of your company with transparent background at

Note: If your website is developed on WordPress, rss feed link will be websiteurl/feed

How to get YouTube Channel videos on Testing Daily Feed?

Please follow one simple step to get your videos in Testing Daily Feed-

  •  Create a tutorial about Testing Daily & publish it on your channel.

After publishing above video, kindly share your youtube channel link with your linkedin/twitter profile at

**Testing Daily will pick your feed only if it is related to software testing and useful for software testers.



  1. Testing Daily don’t have any copyright on the content shown on it’s platform. 
  2. Testing Daily is just a feed aggregator which just list the title and link of the articles from different platform so the testing content created by awesome creators reach to the larger audience.

    *Feed aggregator is a type of software that brings together various types of Web content and provides it in an easily accessible list. 

  3. If you found your feed there in Testing Daily and you don’t want  it to list your feed in Testing Daily, please write to us at and we will immediately help on this. Thank you.