- It generates the English Test Cases (manual test case) automatically.
- It generates the screenshot for each step with highlighted area.
- It generates the xpath for each step.
- It generates the cssSelector for each step.
- It also records the data for each step.
- XPath/cssSelector code command can be generated as per your framework.
- Users can add or remove columns and customise UI as per requirement.
- Users can add new steps just by clicking on + icon present in each row.
- Users can delete the unwanted step just by clicking on the delete icon present in each row.
- Users can pause the recording and resume whenever it is required.
- Users can delete all the steps in a single shot just by clicking on delete all buttons present in the header.
- Attribute filter option is there to generate the xpath with desired attribute.
- All the recorded steps can be saved in excel file along with XPath/Command and data.
- Recorded steps can be executed on testRigor just by clicking on execute button.
- By default it will save the filename as websiteDomain+TimeStamp.
- Users can edit the test case name before saving it.
- Users can also copy all the steps just by clicking on the copy icon present in the table header.
Supported Browser:
TestCase Studio supports all the browsers.
Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, Brave, Chromium and Tor