

Generate the test data in 3 clicks.

AutoTestData is a single page web application to generate the Fake Test Data just in 3 simple steps. It is an absolutely free community product. No installation and no setup is required.

42K+ Testers are using it.



Generate the test data in 3 steps.

AutoTestData is a single page web application to generate the Fake Test Data just in 3 simple steps. It is an absolutely free community product.

42K+ Testers are using it.

How To Use

Get started just in 3 simple steps – 

 Just Open in new tab. No need of any installation and no set is required.

  1. Choose the types of data you want to generate.
  2. Choose Data format
  3. Set the number of Rows, you want to generate and click on Generate button.

Please watch this video to make the best use.

Please follow this tutorial.

If you have any doubt or question, feel free to connect with us on live chat or write to us at

Video Introduction

AutoTestData is a single page web application to generate the Fake Test Data just in 3 simple steps. It is an absolutely free community product.