
What is #15Days15Solutions Initiative by RaveTestParty ?

This initiative is designed to bring together QA professionals and enthusiasts to share their real-world testing challenges and the solutions they’ve implemented to overcome them. 

Over the course of 15 days, participants are encouraged to share their testing challenges, problem statements, and the creative solutions they’ve used to tackle these issues. To make it as inclusive as possible, participants can use a wide range of formats to share their experiences, such as Medium blog posts, YouTube videos, Word documents, PDFs, Git repositories, or any other preferred medium.

How to participate in #15Days15Solutions?

To participate in the #15Days15Solutions initiative, simply follow below steps:

1. Create content explaining a real-time testing challenge you’ve faced in one of your projects. Be sure to include both the problem statement and the solution you implemented to overcome the challenge.

2. Publish your content on your chosen platform (e.g., Medium, YouTube, GitHub, etc.).

3. Share your content on LinkedIn with the hashtag #15Days15Solutions, making sure to include a link to your problem and solution.

All individuals and companies can also participate in this. If you have created a solution for Tester’s problem, please participate.

By participating in this initiative, not only you will contribute to the collective knowledge of the QA community, but you’ll also have the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others. The #15days15solutions initiative is a fantastic chance to improve your own testing skills while also demonstrating your expertise and commitment to quality assurance.

After the 15-day period has concluded, we will compile all the problems, challenges, and solutions submitted by participants into a centralized public repository. This valuable resource will be accessible by anyone at any time, further promoting knowledge sharing and collaboration within the QA community.

So, let’s get started and share our testing challenges and solutions with the world! We can’t wait to see the innovative and inspiring stories that emerge from the #15days15solutions initiative.

Together, we’ll elevate the QA community and continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in software testing.


RTP Team

Naveen | Sanjay | Mukesh